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Happy Meal Memories

As a child growing up McDonalds was a treat. Nowadays we always regret eating there. The memories are still good, but the food… less to our taste. Maybe even more so because ordering a Happy Meal doesn’t fill us up anymore.

The sauce however still triggers those warm and happy memories like nothing else. This potato salad is hardly comparable to the fatty, soft sauce in texture. However by some strange coincidence the taste of this salad makes us reminiscence exactly the same. But in a healthy way.

We are unsure if it is the combination of the fresh grassy Dill and sharp Horse Radish that makes the majority of the connection or something else entirely. The only thing we do know is that leaving out just one ingredient ruins this blissful moment of Happy Meal Memories.

Now instead of going to Mc, we grab this salad and just enjoy the family restaurant at home.


1 kilo Potatoes a pinch of Black Pepper a pinch of Sea Salt 125 ml Creme Fraiche 2 big Pickles 2 tsp. Horse radish 75 gr Rucola 2 tsp. fresh Dill 2 tbsp. Olive Oil 5 Spring Onions

1. Peel the Potatoes if necessary and cut them in small bite size cubes. Boil until soft and done. 2. Strain and let cool down for 5 minutes. 3. Drop the potatoes in a big bowl. Add some Pepper and Salt. Drop in the Creme Fraiche. 4. Half and slice the Pickles. Add to the mix. Drop in the Horse Radish, the Rucola and the freshly cut Dill. 5. Drizzle the Olive Oil on the mix, Slice the Spring Onions in thin rings and drop on top. 6. Mix thoroughly. The remaining warmth of the Potatoes should make it easier to mix. The Creme Fraiche should be more liquid and the Rucola will soften a bit while mixing. 7. Eat now or let cool down a bit more. And don’t forget to enjoy.

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